
Earn 7% political cash back incentive

MEGA- Make Everyone Great Again

Leaders Dream for Peace

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Becoming a MEGAvoter (or leader) is easy to do. Take the Détente 2.0 surveys, provide your voice. Then simply engage in voting and spending, #Voterspending. Cash back rewards and incentives (YAM) are issued for your support. Freedom flourishes with our Leaders dream for peace.

Pledge funds and receive YAM to understand how money works. Basically, you can now track your 7% cash back incentives and rewards. Values are “unfunded” YAM meaning that we are just capturing demand or building political capital. “Money-in, money-out” cooperative benefits are displayed. Only no dollars exist, just micro-pennies are in circulation.

Poll Taking provides for $10 (210,000 YAM) in annual referral bonus for every registered MEGAvoter who completes Détente 2.0 surveys and becomes a Patron member.  Those referrals that remain Leaders ($12 annual subscription) earn annual $2 (42,000 YAM) residual income. An additional 3% processing bonus is earned for all pledges collected by any MEGAvoter and submitted.

Every Patron “stakeholder” ($377 annual subscription) receives a MEGAvoter brand hat and includes Détente 2.0 event fee. Payment is due upon delivery receipt. Checkout has all the disclosures and delivery requirements. Patrons become payment processors for all Detente 2.0 fundraising activities.

A completed “pledge” or “uniform” creates $377 worth of YAM (377 x 21,000) value (7,917,000). An immediate 7% cash back incentive of $26.39 USD or YAM (554,190) is produced and allocated on the first of each month. All pledges delivered on the last day of the month generate this 7% YAM allocation on the next day. Actual cash outs prior to September 01, 2024 carry a 3.5% discount (96.5%) returning $25.47 or YAM (534,794)

Inaugural Redemption Day is on September 01, 2024. All YAM rewards and incentives are redeemed. Annual benefits statements (1099-PATR and 1099-K tax forms) are provided. Referral bonuses earned.

YAM Trading becomes our “what if” value that we are sharing with each other on a Leaders political platform. #Voterspending, 7% cash back political fundraising done right. Where there is “Power to the People” at work. Your Voice, Your Choice personified.

You may ask, how does “unfunded” turn into “funded” YAM? Strictly through member exchanges of goods and services. Scanning stickers. Trading “unfunded” YAM becomes a “hedging” exercise. Designed to payoff when goods and services are delivered.

YAM Trading stickers placed by sector (planning, budget, media, distribution, or membership) are scanned by sender and an item is delivered. Stickers are scanned again by the recipient and accepted. Sender and recipient both respond “Yes” to “Proof of Delivery” option. PayPal or Venmo confirms this sent/acceptance action and settles. Trigger for “funded” or “unfunded” made within this 2-scan process.

Your first delivery is a Patron MEGA hat issued by sector. Once you scan as membership accepted, your Patron subscription begins.

Patrons are capable of sending and receiving PayPal/Venmo money for Détente 2.0 campaign merchandise and services. They’re wearing a MEGA membership hat with Détente 2.0 pins. Spot them and become a MEGAvoter instantly. Ask any questions you have about our Patron group hug party Détente 2.0 world peace initiative.

*Bonus: Patron Organizing Communities (POC) Leadership applicants can order Detente 2.0 Poll Taker cards to start their MEGAcoach campaign *

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“Smartphone” economy that demonstrates Cookie Jar E-kidnomics requires every MEGAvoter Fan and Poll Work Influencer to create a unique ID or QR Tiger dynamic v-card. Scroll down to Register for a free account to begin making cookie dough. Provide your short-URL to your membership profile.